viabellaitalia.comは高品質にこだわり、本物、正規品の商品のみを取り扱っています。オンラインショップ内の価格が安いと心配されるお客様が時折+いらっしゃいますが、ご安心ください。 仕入先の選別、卸やメーカーより直接仕入れることにより、安いお値段で提供できるように努力をしています。 当オンラインショップは一般消費者のお客様がメインですが、企業のお客様へも販売をしています。 当社からのお買い物は基本的にはお客様の居住国外からの個人輸入、または商業輸入となりますので、先に輸入法などをご確認の上、ご購入いただけるますようお願いいたします。 また輸入先の国の市場で、製品を販売、転売する責任は輸入者である購入者様側にあり、当社では宗教上、また法律上の差異については責任は持ちかねます。 例 アルコールの販売が禁止されている国のお客様(イスラム国の居住者)がワインを購入される場合など また一部商品の仕入先、卸で返品を受け付けていませんので、当社でもお受けいたしません。 国際間での商品の移動ですので、クーリングオフ期間内に商品を戻していただくのが非常に困難であるため、通常はご注文確定後のキャンセル、お客様都合の返品はお受けいたしません。 初期不良などで返品となる場合は、商品、また仕入先によりクーリングオフ期間が変わりますので、商品受け取りから8日以内に当店へメールでご連絡ください。 なお、返送の送料、またイタリアに再入国する際の関税、通関手数料などはお客様負担とさせていただきます。
高級腕時計やグッチなどのジュエリーウオッチ、またはイタリアが誇る技術的にも時代の最先端を行く腕時計メーカー ロックマン イタリーのオートマチック腕時計などは、専門の職人が自ら手作業で作り上げるものが多くあります。これはの商品の修理は確かに生産国に置かれる専門の修理、アフターサービスセンターに問い合わせをすることをお勧めします。
フェラガモ社と連携し、お客様のお住いのお近くのフェラガモ正規店で商品の交換も可能です。また当店で取り扱うBarone Firenzeや GF89などの職人メーカーは日本に正規代理店がございませんので、その場合も当店にご連絡ください。
The purchase of products on viabellaitalia.com is governed by these Terms of Sale (hereinafter referred-to as the “Terms of Sale”), which all users are required to read before executing any order.
“Viabellaitalia” and “Viabellaitalia.com” are registered trademarks of PROTEOFAD S.A.S., established in Roma (RM), Via Appia Nuova n.41, Fax nr. (+39) 06 97080635 (referred to as “VIABELLAITALIA”). VIABELLAITALIA is the vendor of the products that the customers can buy on viabellaitalia.com. These Terms of Sale apply only to purchase orders made on viabellaitalia.com in accordance with the procedures and time-limits specified below under the “How to complete an order” section. The Terms of Sale do not however regulate the purchase of products or the provision of services offered by parties other than VIABELLAITALIA and visible on viabellaitalia.com through links or banners.
VIABELLAITALIA offers products for sale on viabellaitalia.com to users acting as “consumers” and to users acting as traders. “Consumer” means a natural person who is acting for purposes which are outside his trade, business, craft or profession.
VIABELLAITALIA offers only original, authentic and top quality products for sale on the viabellaitalia.com site. In the event of any damage caused by any products, VIABELLAITALIA waives any liability, which remains the liability of the manufacturer in question. VIABELLAITALIA shall also not be liable in the event that the photographs of the products for sale on viabellaitalia.com do not closely match reality because of the settings of the monitor, browser or any other malfunctions independent of VIABELLAITALIA. All items for sale on viabellaitalia.com have a label and seal, which are considered an integral part of each product. VIABELLAITALIA reserves the right not to accept the return of products without their corresponding tag and seal. The prices of the products sold on viabellaitalia.com are subject to change and may differ depending on the Country in which the product is to be shipped. With respect to deliveries outside the European Union, it may happen that some administrative burdens, such as, for example, customs duties cannot be determined in advance; in those cases, nonetheless, those administrative burdens will be borne by the customers, All users should make sure of the final price before completing the purchase order.
To make an order on viabellaitalia.com, all users must hold a valid e-mail address and meet all legal requirements necessary to enter into a purchase agreement with VIABELLAITALIA.
It is possible to complete an order by following these steps:
Purchases agreements are deemed to be executed only when VIABELLAITALIA communicates to customers that the items have been dispatched.
VIABELLAITALIA reserves the right not to execute purchase orders that are incomplete or incorrect, or that do not provide a guarantee of creditworthiness. In these cases, customers will receive an explanatory email confirming that the order has not been accepted. VIABELLAITALIA also reserves the right not to execute purchase orders where the items are unavailable, for any reason, including temporarily. In such a case, within 15 days upon order receipt VIABELLAITALIA will inform the customer by e-mail that the items are not available and proceed to refund the purchase price.
Users will find the different available payment types and delivery charges in the order form. The purchase price and delivery expense reported in the order form will be charged when the order has been completed. If the customer pays by credit card, VIABELLAITALIA guarantees that the payment will be carried out via a secure payment gateway and that VIABELLAITALIA will not get access to or store any financial information. The credit card will only be used to complete the purchase procedure, to refund customers returning products in compliance with the right of withdrawal, or if any customers need to report the commission of frauds on viabellaitalia.com to the competent authorities.
Discount codes are codes issued by VIABELLAITALIA that allow customers to benefit of discounts on the products sold on Fashionis.com. Once users have a discount codes, they can go to the shopping cart where, enter the code in the box provided and click “Apply Discount Code".
Any entitlement to the use of discount codes is subject to the following limitations:
Save the case when products are entirely or partially unavailable, VIABELLAITALIA commits to make the parcel available to the courier within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of the purchase order.
Orders received are shipped and delivered by a courier chosen by VIABELLAITALIA. Users should read the "Shipping" section for all the details on shipping and delivery, as it is an integral and essential part of these Terms of Sale; accordingly, it is deemed known and accepted in full by all customers purchasing on viabellaitalia.com.
VIABELLAITALIA shall not be held liable for any delay in the delivery when independent from VIABELLAITALIA, for instance because due the activity carried out by the courier in the specific case.
Customers have the right to withdraw from the contract entered into with VIABELLAITALIA, without incurring in any penalty and without giving any reason. The term for withdrawal expires after 14 (fourteen) days from the day on which the customer, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by the customer, acquires physical possession of the goods.
Returned items must be shipped to VIABELLAITALIA without any unreasonable delay and, in any case, within 14 (fourteen) days from the date in which the customer communicated to VIABELLAITALIA their intention to exercise the right of withdrawal. In this case, the customer needs to prove that dispatch/shipment of the returned items has taken place not later than the above mentioned deadline (proof of mailing). The customer always bears the direct cost of returning the items.
Refunds are carried out using the same means of payment used for the initial transaction.
Customers are only liable for any diminished value of the items resulting from the handling of the goods other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.
Customers must:
In the event that a customer does not meet either the terms to communicate the right of withdrawal and/or the term to return the items, as specified above, or any of the customer obligations, particularly those mentioned under points 1, 2 and 3 above, VIABELLAITALIA will no longer be obliged to refund the purchase price to the customer. If, in breach of his obligations, the customer still returns the items, upon a specific request VIABELLAITALIA will send the items back to the customer at the customer’s expense.
Customers should refer to the “Returns” section to find out all the details for the exercise of the right of withdrawal. The “Returns” section is an integral and essential part of these Terms of Sale and is therefore deemed as known and accepted in full by the customer at the time of purchase.
If a customer needs any assistance, information or advice, they can contact our Customer Service Department by filling out the specific form in the "Contact Us" section or by phone at (+39) 06 97080635.
VIABELLAITALIA aims to fully protect users’ privacy. To learn how VIABELLAITALIA handles personal information and to learn more about the Privacy Policy, reference should be made to the "Privacy Policy" section.
VIABELLAITALIA reserves the right to amend or update these Terms of Sale every time is necessary or appropriate. Users should regularly read these Terms of Sale and, in any case, read them carefully before carrying out any order.
These Terms of Sale are governed by the Italian law. In the case of claims concerning any purchase agreement or these Terms of Sale, VIABELLAITALIA agrees to adhere to the RisolviOnline mediation service. RisolviOnline is an online mediation service provided by the Chamber of Arbitration of the Milan Chamber of Commerce, by which a friendly agreement legally binding for both parties can be reached, under the assistance of a qualified and impartial mediator, quickly and conveniently on internet. Additonal information in available on www.risolvionline.com.